Free 1 Day TrialFREE 1 DAY TRIAL
14-17 Years of AgeFor Our Younger Members
$ 19.95
Week12 Months Min. Term
Joining Fee of $40
Other Options:
6 Months Min. Term – $24.95 / Week
Open Term* – $29.95 / Week (Direct Debit Only)
18+ Years of AgeStandard Membership 18+
$ 24.95
Week12 Months Min. Term
Joining Fee of $60
Other Options:
6 Months Min. Term – $29.95 / Week
Open Term* – $34.95 / Week (Direct Debit Only)
Senior Citizens 65+For Our Mature Members
$ 19.95
Week6 Months Min. Term
Joining Fee of $40
*Open Term – a rolling monthly membership which renews automatically each month. Terms and Conditions apply. 30 days notice is required on all cancellations.
Concession Cards & Casual Rates
A Concession Card is a great way of using the gym without being locked into a contract! You have access with a 12 week expiry from the date of purchase. Every time you swipe and enter the gym your card will be deducted 1 Entry. If Under 18, access is during Staffed Hours only
10 Entry Concession – $165 ($120 for Under 18s)
5 Entry Concession – $90 ($65 for Under 18s)
Casual Session – $20 ($15 for Under 18s) one time entry to the gym
Accepted Payment Methods
We accept EFTPOS, cash or payments via Direct Debit.
Direct Debit memberships can be paid weekly or fortnightly on Thursdays.
We require that you pay the joining fee & the first 2 weeks of membership in advance when you join.